What is a Money-Smart CEO?
Money is one of the most important aspects of any business. As a CEO, it is essential to have a strong understanding of financial concepts and be able to make smart decisions about your company's money.
However, many entrepreneurs I speak to are hesitant to fully step into that CEO role, and a lot of that comes down to their feelings about their finances. It holds them back from taking that next step and fully owning (and growing) their business.
If you're feeling stuck in your business because of your money mindset, it's time to rip off the bandaid and take a closer look at your relationship with money. It's time to become a Money-Smart CEO!
Let's take a step back though...what is a money-smart CEO?
What is a money-smart CEO?
It's a phrase that I coined to describe how an entrepreneur feels when they understand and connect with their business finances. They move away from being an entrepreneur and move into being a CEO with confidence. So how would we define that person?
A Money-Smart CEO is...in control of her finances
This means that looking at her books is no big deal for a money-smart CEO. This means that the money-smart CEO isn't just looking at her books once a quarter- she's constantly assessing her company's financial position.
A Money-Smart CEO is...aware of her financial position at all times
If you ask a money-smart CEO how much she made last month, she's not going to shrug. She may not tell you the number (because that's a little personal) but if she had to, she'd be able to give you a breakdown of her business's income and expenses. She knows what's owed and what's owing in her business.
A Money-Smart CEO is...backed with the knowledge to make informed decisions that will drive growth in her business
Since she knows her business' finances, she can make informed decisions based on data, not emotions or hunches. Whether it's deciding if a product is profitable enough or if it's time to invest in new equipment, the money-smart CEO can make these decisions with confidence.
You might be reading this and thinking, "Wow that is so not me! My books are a mess, I'm not a money person and I don't know how to get there."
Don't worry - I know so many entrepreneurs who were just like you. However, they were able to become Money-Smart CEOs! Want to know how?
Stay tuned for our next article, where we will dive into the three keys to being a money-smart CEO.